DC International School

Renovation and new construction on a former military medical-center campus marks the District’s first IB Charter School.

The District of Columbia International School (DCI) is the first International Baccalaureate Middle and High Public Charter School in the District of Columbia. The site is designed to harmonize with the overall master plan redevelopment of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Campus. The design for this facility includes a full renovation of Walter Reed’s existing Delano Hall facility and a gymnasium, science, and art-wing addition. DCI is a model facility for state-of-the-art education and learning concepts, including a world-language center and a three-story learning commons that combines media, technology, food service, and a genius bar.

A modern new addition complements the existing structure and houses elements of the programs that do not easily fit within the historic building like the gymnasium, science laboratories, and art studios. The design used a phased renovation/construction approach with the western wing and addition, completing construction approximately one year following initial occupancy.

ClientDistrict of Columbia Public Schools
Size133,577 sf Renovation | 35,000 sf New Construction
ServicesArchitecture, Interior Design, Programming
SustainabilityLEED Gold
HighlightsWorld Language Center, Learning Commons
News Coverage

“District Government Moves to Expedite New School Construction on Walter Reed Campus,” DC Government Press Release, 2016

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